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Index of Spider-man the New Animated Series

Index of Spider-man the New Animated Series

"Perhaps I need an prototype makeover.... I'm... SPIDER-MAN!"

After the success of the first Spider-Man film, Sony and Mainframe Entertainment released Spider-Man: The New Blithe Serial as the commencement fully CGI prove to feature everyone's favourite webslinger. It was released in 2003 on MTV, thus gaining the Fan Nickname of MTV Spider-Man.

The series was initially supposed to be an adaptation of the Ultimate Spider-Man comics, but ended upward taking place after the events of the first live-activity picture show. It still had Brian Michael Bendis as a writer from the Ultimate series and the artistic style did harken slightly towards Mark Bagley'due south artwork, merely ultimately information technology became its own thing.

Starring Neil Patrick Harris in the title office, the story of the show involved Peter Parker, Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson during their years in university. Harry is struggling over his male parent's death, Mary Jane has begun pursuing acting in the middle of her strained human relationship with Peter, and Peter is doing what he is normally forced to do; juggle battles confronting supervillains with his personal life. It's somehow darker than your usual Spider-Human series, and mature as well. Shamefully, information technology's greatly overlooked.

The serial was rather short-lived, at only 13 episodes. A 2nd season was planned but never started. It would be the concluding Spider-Man TV series for a good number of years, until The Spectacular Spider-Man came along.

It's fanbase has grown over fourth dimension, to the point a pair of unofficial revivals are beingness developed by a team of skilled and passionate fans.

Not to be confused with the series that inspired the name from this one, Spider-Human being: The Animated Series .

It needs dearest on the character sections.

Provides examples of:

  • x-Minute Retirement: Averted. Peter gave up on being Spider-Man permanently past the end of the series due to the prove non existence renewed for a second season. However, it's pretty obvious he would have resumed his career had it been made, because when has he ever stopped permanently?
  • Achievements in Ignorance: Christina's attempt at creating glue results in an incredibly powerful acrid that tin corrode anything information technology makes contact within seconds.
  • Activity Girl: Shikata is an assassin hired to have on Spider-Homo in "The Sword of Shikata".
  • Adaptation Dye-Chore: Harry Osborn, and by extension his father Norman, is a blonde instead of an Auburn or a redhead (or a brunette) just like in the comics and almost adaptations.
  • Accommodation Origin Connectedness:
    • The origin of the Lizard is tied into the Green Goblin equally Curt Connors lost his arm thanks to Oscorp testing an explosive that's implied to be the prototype of the Green Goblin's pumpkin bomb.
    • Peter Parker and Max Dillon are higher classmates earlier the latter becomes Electro.
  • Adaptational Villainy:
    • Curt Connors is far more than bitter and rude than his usual portrayal even before becoming the Lizard, and he is fully in command of his actions when he does become the Lizard, and uses his new powers to murder anyone he has a grudge against.
  • Adapted Out: Executive Meddling that frowned on old people beingness present saw J. Jonah Jameson get Demoted to Extra, and ensured that Robbie Robertson—and outside of a movie—Aunt May and Uncle Ben never appeared at all.
  • Near Kiss: Peter and MJ have one in the starting time episode, where MJ pins Peter shut to the wall and leans in maxim that she e'er trusts her feelings, but it turns out she was just adjusting the position of the flat-screen Television set. Given this is Peter and MJ we're talking about though, this is pretty much the only time one of these is teased.
  • Alternate Continuity: To the Spider-Human being Trilogy , existence that while it's said to have identify after Spider-Man 1 , it doesn't line up at all to Spider-Human two . Cadre differences are that Dr. Connors becomes the Lizard and dies in the aforementioned episode, MJ taking on a punk look and Harry Osborn being blonde (although this could be justified as Harry dying his hair). It's implied it could exist canon to 2003's Daredevil together, due to this version of Kingpin being black and even being voiced by Michael Clarke Duncan.
  • Anonymous Public Telephone Call: In one episode Peter uses a payphone to give the police an anonymous tip about the side by side target of a agglomeration of criminals. Quite humorously the dispatcher so asks him to provide his proper noun and location, with him spelling out what "bearding" means.
  • Anti-Villain: The evidence's most mutual way of adapting villains, or even making their own Canon Foreigners, is by portraying them in a more sympathetic light. This, combined with the prove's tendencies to impale off villains, results in a lot of tragedy.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: When asked by local nut, Christina, Peter admits that he does not believe in psychic abilities. Ironically, the villains he would confront in the season finale, would be twin psychics.
  • Ascended Extra: A groundwork girl with pink hair and camo pants would become the name Francesca and become Harry's girlfriend in the final episodes.
  • Asshole Victim:
    • The cheat who tried to murder Curt Connors is brutally murdered by Connors after Connors becomes the Cadger.
    • Doug Reisman, who continuously humiliated, pranked, and even almost killed Max Dillon, is tortured and murdered past Dillon after he becomes Electro.
  • Ax-Crazy: While a far more tragic and sympathetic character than his comic book counterpart, Electro is a good deal more violent and unhinged than usual.
  • Badass Normal: Kraven, Talon, and Silvery Sable are all villains who don't have powers, but still prove to be challenging enemies for Spider-Man.
  • Considering You lot Were Dainty to Me: Sally is the i person who showed Max Dillon whatever kindness in his life. In his second episode, Electro starts to haunt her with the intention of transforming her into a beingness of pure free energy like him.
  • Betty and Veronica: Mary Jane and Indy fulfill the roles of romantic rivals to Peter.
  • Big "NO!": Spider-Man lets one out when Kraven kills Mary Jane. Fortunately, it turns out to exist an illusion.
  • Blood Knight: Shikata really enjoys fighting her enemies. If she enjoys fighting them enough as with the case with Spidey she'll kill anyone who gets in the manner of their fights including the employer who hired her to capture Spidey to begin with.
  • Bloodless Carnage: Averted. Blood is certainly shown in sure scenes like with the Lizard's rampage through the police station. The impact of the violence loses nothing. We have Spider-Human being cut, bleeding, and hobbling, heads sliced off and electrocution, giving even The Nighttime Knight a run for its money.
  • Bruce Wayne Held Hostage: The Pterodax take a news studio earnest, enervating the surrender of Spider-Man. Is anyone actually surprised that Peter Parker happened to exist one of the hostages?
  • Bullying a Dragon: Several people seem determined to harass and attack Spider-Man till he snaps out of either bias or petty cruelty. While most of them fail, this is a blatantly stupid idea, and equally the Gaines Twins learn the hard way, when sufficiently motivated, Spidey tin can and will murder people.
  • Canon Aperture: The series makes a lot of references to taking place after the kickoff live-action flick, merely Spider-Man 2 seems to ignore information technology, based mainly on the fact that Curt Connors/The Lizard dies in this serial, but is alive, well, and patently has never transformed earlier in the motion-picture show. Additionally, Peter and Harry'due south living arrangements are reflective of about of the start motion-picture show where they're sharing an flat, whereas their living arrangements in the 2d and third movies had Harry back in his dad's penthouse and Peter in a pocket-size apartment (and chances are they took hold when Norman died). There are a few things that are carried over into the 2nd movie like Harry's drinking and tension with Peter due to the latter taking Spider-Man photos. Which is probably coincidental more than than annihilation.
  • Canon Foreigner: Indy and most of the villains (Christina, Shikata, Pterodax, Talon, Turbo Jet, and the Gaines Twins) were created for this bear witness and never appeared in the comics. The merely villains from the comics were Lizard, Electro, Kingpin, Silverish Sable, and Kraven. However, some of the villains from the series are expies of comic antagonists. Talon being Black Cat and Turbo Jet being Rocket Racer come to mind.
  • Canon Welding: Spider-Man encounters the Kingpin, who resembles and is voiced past Michael Clarke Duncan, which places the Daredevil moving-picture show in the same continuity as this series and Spider-Man movies (at to the lowest degree the beginning one).
  • Cassandra Truth: In one episode, Peter fails to make information technology to one of Mary Jane'southward theater performances (again) and the adjacent twenty-four hours, he attempts to apologize to her with a story about how he was abducted by the FBI, questioned and then left on the George Washington Bridge... which actually happened. MJ doesn't believe him and assumes that he just didn't want to come and deliberately blew her off.
  • Cel Shading: The series is animated by CG, only its visual look is a deliberate effort to combine traditional manus-drawn animation also.
  • Continuity Nod: The series supposedly takes place after the first film, so at that place are a few of these here in regards to that.
    • Mary Jane and Spidey's famous "upside-down kiss" is given a few mentions.
    • Harry is still grieving over the decease of his begetter, Norman Osborn, thinking that Spider-Man killed him and Peter is unable to tell him how it really went down.
    • A reference is made that Mary Jane used to date Flash in high schoolhouse.
  • Darker and Edgier: Definitely a lot darker than the usual Spidey fare, given how often the serial shows people getting killed. The PG rating isn't simply for prove.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Peter is wonderfully prone to sardonic wit in this series, but this may be the one serial where Harry does it simply equally often if not more.
  • Death by Adaptation:
    • The Lizard is alive and well in the comics, but here he dies in his starting time appearance.
    • Electro is Killed Off for Real at the end of his last appearance, while in the comics he only died after a very long supervillain career.
  • Deconstruction: Of superhero cartoons. While most superhero cartoons use Anemic Carnage and make it clear that nobody is killed, here it'southward shown clearly that the villains are violently murderous every bit most real-life criminals are and not agape to kill people to become what they want, and all supervillain'due south rampages can severely injure and even kill innocent bystanders. The villains also have reasons for what they do, and most are either mutual thieves who just happen to have equipment that lets them proceed up with Spider-Human or genuinely mentally unstable people with superpowers who cause a lot of harm in pursuit of their goals. Spider-Man's You Fight Like a Cow schtick is far more than subdued, his methods to cease crime ofttimes leads to loads of collateral damage, and he is willing to pause his lawmaking of K Shalt Not Kill if the situation demands information technology. And finally, him existence a Hero with Bad Publicity pursued by the law is based more than on several police officers' prejudice than any real evidence, and some officers like Officer Barr are willing to flat out ignore evidence to support their views rather than admit they could be wrong about Spider-Homo.
  • Disney Villain Expiry: The Cadger suffers this when Spidey catches him in a web while hanging from a helicopter, planning to transport him back to the laboratory to disengage the transformation, but the villain is out of control and however trying to assault Spidey, resulting in him cutting the web and falling to his death.
  • Downer Ending: The serial ends with Indy in a coma, that she may never recover from, caused unintentionally by Spider-Man, Peter's relationships with Mary Jane and Harry are damaged to a greater extent than ever before, Spider-Human being is viewed as a criminal by virtually the entirety of New York Metropolis, who actually demand him to exit, and Peter quits being Spider-Human past putting his costume into a suitcase filled with bricks and throwing it into the river. A second season was planned to restore some of these events, but never materialized.
  • Impaired Muscle: Flash Thompson and the Biker Twins started out as this before Dr Zellner's experiments gave them superintelligence. Still, they were so dumb previously that their bodies had to work much harder to sustain the increased intelligence or they would eventually die, unless they were given an antidote to undo the effects and turn them back to normal.
  • Enhance Push button: When Peter accidentally captures video of an bump-off attempt on the Mayor, part of the tape is broadcast on Empire 1. Silverish Sable, the perpetrator, and so breaks into his apartment to try and steal the tape, in case she appeared in the unaired part of the video. Indy and Peter deduce the burglar'due south motive, and then "Car-Sharpen" a however from the video to reveal Silver Sable pointing a gun in the groundwork.
  • Establishing Series Moment: While aired Out of Order, "The Party" was the kickoff episode aired, and the entire episode does a good chore of establishing the prove's Darker and Edgier tone.
  • Expressive Mask: The eyes on Spidey's mask are able to register his emotions.
  • Expy:
    • Talon is loosely based on Black Cat, beingness an bonny thief. She was even originally going to be Black True cat until the casting of Eve persuaded the creators to retool her into a dissimilar graphic symbol.
    • Turbo Jet is similar to the comic villain Rocket Racer, mainly in that he's an African-American crook who uses technology to give himself super speed.
  • Family-Friendly Firearms: Averted, the guns are real (typically a Beretta) and are realistically portrayed.
  • Family-Unfriendly Expiry: In stark contrast to other Spider-Man animated series, the testify features notably detailed forms of death like electrocution, beingness shot to decease, and actual decapitation by sword. Not to mention visible blood and dismembered fingers are shown from the violence.
  • "Flowers for Algernon" Syndrome: Flash Thompson gets this in the episode "Wink Memory" after getting handling from Dr. Zellner. He comes up with an antidote when all of the test subjects experience weakness, fatigue, and eventual death.
  • Ghost in the Machine: Electro appears to Sally through her laptop and TV to transport her messages.
  • Hate Sink: Doug Reisman, the relentless head of the Sigmas that Max has to deal with. Despite existence apparently popular at the university, Doug is non a nice person. It's nigh satisfying to encounter him getting killed off at the hands of the man he bullied.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: Peter and Mary Jane as usual, although MJ has a bit of contest in this series in the form of Indy.
  • Honor Before Reason: Shikata, conspicuously, cares more about facing Spider-Man honorably rather than turning him in on her employer'due south terms for the money.
  • Hostage Situation: "Tight Squeeze" had a grouping of Russian terrorists agree several people hostage and threaten to blow them up if Spider-Homo didn't bear witness up in fourth dimension. Peter Parker was amid the hostages.
  • I Only Want to Be Normal: The serial ends with Peter throwing his Spider-man costume into the river, swearing he won't be Spider-man again.
  • Inspector Javert: Officer Barr is obsessed with capturing Spider-Man and proving he's a criminal, to the point of outright ignoring a witness'due south testimony then that it fits his conventionalities. He's besides pretty incompetent, and outright harasses Peter while interrogating him.
  • Ki Manipulation: Shikata projected green energy blasts that also doubled equally telekinesis.
  • Killed Off for Existent: A adept number of villains end upward dead as a result of their actions in this series, such as The Lizard, and Electro.
  • Loony Fan: Christina is one to Spider-Man, earlier graduating to Stalker with a Crush as a result of Sanity Slippage from a power surge while she was wearing a metal colander on her head.
  • Lunacy: Shikata gained her immortality and regeneration by reflecting moonlight off her magic sword and onto herself.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: Christina kidnaps Mary Jane with the intention of killing her, so she tin win Spider-Man's love.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • At the end of the series, one of the psychic twins, Roxanne, tricks Spider-Human into pushing Indy off the roof of a edifice by creating an illusion where he thought he was fighting against Roxanne instead. As a issue of this, Peter quits being Spider-Homo.
    • Too happened in "The Party" when Spidey is forced to kill Max Dillon/Electro (who in this continuity is one of his friends from high schoolhouse).
  • Mythology Gag:
  • Never Found the Body: Argent Sable'due south credible death shows no signs of a corpse, and bubbling can later be seen rising up from the spot in the water where she barbarous. This is in fact the reason why Spider-Man isn't surprised that she shows up working with Kraven at the end of the series. Merely, as it turns out, that was just a mental illusion.
  • Not Me This Time: Kraven the Hunter apparently murders Mary Jane. In a rage, Spider-Human most kills Kraven, just to discover that Kraven is innocent. Mary Jane was never murdered, and Spider-Homo had been tricked by 2 other villains into thinking Kraven had killed her (Kraven had killed the parents of the villains, and they weren't powerful plenty to take revenge themselves). Kraven doesn't get away scot-free, however: Spider-Man still drops him off with the police.
  • "Not And so Different" Remark: After her ordeal with Christina, MJ of a sudden realizes equally she talks almost it with Peter that Christina'due south whole "soul mates" obsession is likewise similar to her earlier attempts at forcing Peter to share intimate noesis with one some other.
  • Oh, Crap!: Peter comes to the realization that he's in serious trouble specially often in this serial.
  • Just Six Faces: Many of the characters have similar designs and the animators note that they were prone to recycling animation.
  • Prank Gone Too Far: A pretty nighttime version happens in "The Political party", where Doug Reisman plays a prank on Max Dillon; the "prank" is actually kidnapping, blindfolding him and taping a helmet to his head so he couldn't identify him, and leaving him inside a limo. It goes wrong when Max accidentally drives the car into a construction site and nigh drowns in concrete earlier Spider-Human being saves him. Doug, however, doesn't let up, and orchestrates an insanely savage prank that publicly humiliates Max, and drives him to a mental breakdown. Upon his transformation into Electro, Max electrocutes Doug to death.
  • Samurai: Shikata's schtick is that she's a warrior bound by honor.
  • Sexy Discretion Shot: On account of MTV, writers get away with openly implying that the characters had sex with their partners, mostly with shots of them arriving at their friend's identify to see a daughter in that location the side by side day, wearing the previous night's clothes.
  • Shout-Out:
    • "Heroes and Villains"
      • During one discussion with Peter and Harry near a thief-
      • Spider-Man contemplating why Turbo Jet is praised as a hero while he isn't:

    Spider-Man: Maybe I demand an prototype makeover. *Whilst using his fingers equally makeshift "ears" and speaking in a darker tone of vocalisation* I'chiliad... Spider-Human being.

    • During Peter's Cassandra Truth moment in "Royal Scam":

      Peter: "I was literally ii steps exterior the theater, when these two Men in Black yanked me into the dorsum of a blackness van!"

      Harry: Did they have a talking pug?

    • The outset (aired) episode:

    Peter: I bet the X-Men get to go to parties.

  • Retronym: This series was originally referred to equally just Spider-Homo during its original 2003 release. The exact Graphic symbol Title was already used across different media. Therefore, it had gone through various nicknames similar "MTV'south Spider-Man", "Spider-Man 2003", or "Spider-Man Animated Series" by the Annie Awards. It wasn't until the 2004 home release that information technology was officially referred to past its current title retroactively.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Christina is one to Spider-Human being, and Max Dillon is one to Sally.
  • "Accept That!" Kiss: Talon gives two to Spider-Man in quick succession during their commencement fight, though merely bravado him a buss and not actually kissing him. Offset, after she kicks him away and puts her goggles back on she turns back to him and blows a kiss earlier running off. Then, afterwards Spider-Human being is stuck belongings a piece from a construction edifice in place to cease it from falling into the streets, Talon blows him some other goodbye buss to taunt him before disappearing.
  • Took a Level in Dumbass: Flash Thompson. He's much more of an idiotic jock than before.
  • Unrequited Love Switcheroo: Peter pines for MJ at the start of the flavour while MJ waits for him to make the first move, then when he gets in a human relationship with Indy, MJ crushes hard for him, and in the finale, Peter seems to have a Love Epiphany for MJ but and then Indy's hospitalization, his vilification and him quitting as Spider-Man ends that.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Happens to Spider-Man in the season finale, when he is tricked by a pair of psychic twins into thinking that Kraven The Hunter had killed Mary Jane.
  • Villain with Expert Publicity: Ironically, while Spidey is harassed and hated for his heroism, Turbo Jet is hailed as a hero for stealing stuff.
  • Western Terrorists: Pterodax, a bunch of Russian terrorists who style themselves later on Pteranodons and become effectually on jet packs.
  • Wham Episode: "The Party" is where the serial actually starts to take a darker turn where two regular characters are killed (one of them by Spidey himself) and is one of the few times in the character's history that he has knowingly cleaved his Grand Shalt Not Impale rule.

Index of Spider-man the New Animated Series




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Wolves Vs Tottenham - Soi kèo Wolves vs Tottenham, 20h00 ngày 22/8: Gà trống cất ... . Predicting wolves lineup for their premier league clash with tottenham at molineux. From 5 victories, 9 draws and 2 losses, they picked up 24 points. Premier league team news and. Romain saiss strikes late to salvage deserved point for wolves against tottenham. Wolverhampton tottenham live score (and video online live stream) starts on 22 aug 2021 at 13:00 utc time at molineux stadium stadium, wolverhampton city, england in premier league, england. Tottenham hotspur's tanguy ndombele scored a rebounded goal within the first minute of the match, but spurs. Nuno espirito santo returns to his old club aiming to make it two follow sportsmail's ben miller for live premier league coverage of wolves vs tottenham , including. Learn how to watch wolverhampton wanderers vs tottenham hotspur 27 december 2020 stream online, see match results and teams h2h stats at! Wolver

اجمل مؤخرات نساء في العالم - اجمل نساء محجبات في العالم - صور بنات

اجمل مؤخرات نساء في العالم - اجمل نساء محجبات في العالم - صور بنات . بعودته لمعسكر الأسود من جديد بعد استبعاده في آخر مباراتين بتصفيات الكان أمام موريتانيا وبوروندي، ربما يكون سامي مايي، المغربي ذو الأصول البلجيكية، الأوفر. ابحث وقارن بين أفضل الجامعات كي تبدأ رحلة الدراسة في الخارج. فإن إتيان النساء في أدبارهن من المحرمات الكبيرة والمستقذرات القبيحة التي يجب على المسلم اجتنابها والابتعاد عنها، فقد روى الإمام أحمد وغيره أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه. نزِّل اليوم التقويم الهجري لعام 1442هـ، مع التقويم والتاريخ الميلادي. كل شيء ممتلئ بالمتظاهرين بوسط العاصمة في الجمعة الخامسة للحراك رغم برودة الطقس.الملايين الملايين هنا فخامة الشّعب. والأمر ليس مجرد حالات منفردة لنساء ينشدن حرية الاختيار في كوريا الجنوبية. بس عاد تعلم الجماع الصح وصير أسد بدل ما أنت أرنب! في topchatsites، لن نجعلكم تبذلون المزيد من الجهد، فقد أدرجنا لكم كل منصات الدردشة العشوائية لا تتأخر أكثر لأن هناك آلاف الأشخاص الذين يدردشون الآن عبر أفضل مواقع الدردشة في العالم خلال الدقائق العشر القادمة، قد تتحدث إل